User Guide
1. Introduction
Duke is a personal text-based chat-bot application used for managing tasks. Duke is capable of handling 3 different types of tasks:
- ToDo (Consists of a short description)
- Deadline (Consists of a short description and task deadline details)
- Event (Consists of a short description and task location details)
2. Download
- Ensure that you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.
- Download the latest version of duke.jar here.
- Open and run the duke.jar file.
- Duke will store task list data as a “duke.txt” file in the “data” directory.
If there is no directory present, Duke will create one upon startup. Duke will also create an empty duke.txt file.
New Directory created: data
No existing file is found, new file created: duke.txt
If there is an existing directory and duke.txt file present, Duke will load existing data from the file.
File already exists. Existing data loaded from: duke.txt
The following text-based user interface should be displayed:
____ _
| _ \ _ _| | _____
| | | | | | | |/ / _ \
| |_| | |_| | < __/
|____/ \__,_|_|\_\___|
Hello! I'm Duke. What can I do for you?
Type /help for a list of supported commands.
3. Features
Add a task
This command creates a new task and adds it to the task list.
- Add new ToDo:
todo description
- Add new Deadline:
deadline description /by deadline
- Add new Event:
event description /at location
Example of usage:
todo project
deadline project-report /by 2020-05-18
event project-meeting /at nus-clb
Expected outcome:
The respective tasks will be created and added to the task list.
todo project
Noted! I have added a new todo.
[T] [X] project
You now have 1 tasks in the list.
deadline project-report /by 2020-05-18
Noted! I have added a new deadline.
[D] [X] project-report (by: 18 May 2020)
You now have 2 tasks in the list.
event project-meeting /at nus-clb
Noted! I have added a new event.
[E] [X] project-meeting (at: nus-clb)
You now have 3 tasks in the list.
Delete a task
This command deletes a task from the task list depending on the specified index.
- Delete task at specified index:
delete index
Example of usage:
delete 3
Expected outcome:
The task at the specified index will be deleted from the list.
delete 3
Got it! The following task has been successfully deleted:
[E] [X] project-meeting (at: nus-clb)
Mark task as done
This command marks a task as done depending on the specified index.
- Mark task as done at specified index:
done index
Example of usage:
done 2
Expected outcome:
The task at the specified index will be marked as done.
done 2
Great! I have marked this task as done.
[D] [/] project-report (by: 18 May 2020)
View task list
This command displays the current task list.
- Display task list:
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
All tasks in the task list will be displayed according to their current index.
Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T] [X] project
2. [D] [/] project-report (by: 18 May 2020)
Clear task list
This command clears the current task list.
- Clear task list:
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
All tasks in the task list will be cleared after second confirmation by the user.
Are you sure you want to clear all tasks in your list? Type 'Y' to confirm.
Your task list has been cleared successfully!
Are you sure you want to clear all tasks in your list? Type 'Y' to confirm.
You task list has not been cleared.
Find a task
This command performs a search of all tasks currently in the task list and displays a list of all tasks that contains a specified substring in the description.
- Find task using substring:
find substring
Example of usage:
find report
Expected outcome:
All matching tasks in the task list will be displayed in a numbered list.
find report
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [D] [/] project-report (by: 18 May 2020)
View help menu
This command displays the list of commands supported by the application.
- Display help menu:
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
The list of all commands supported by the application will be displayed.
The following commands are supported by Duke:
To add a ToDo, enter: todo description
To add a Deadline, date in yyyy-mm-dd or otherwise, enter: deadline /by date
To add an Event, enter: event /at location
To find a task from a substring, enter: find substring
To delete a task from your task list with its index, enter: delete index
To mark a task as done with its index, enter: done index
To display your task list, enter: list
To clear your task list, enter: clear
To display the help list, enter: /help
To exit the programme, enter: bye
Exit Program
This command is used to exit the application.
- Exit program:
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
The application will terminate.
Goodbye. Hope to see you again soon!
4. Summary
No. | Command | Description |
1 | todo description |
Add new ToDo |
2 | deadline description /by deadline |
Add new Deadline |
3 | event description /at location |
Add new Event |
4 | delete index |
Delete task |
5 | done index |
Mark task as done |
6 | list |
Display task list |
7 | clear |
Clear task list |
8 | find substring |
Find task |
9 | /help |
Display help menu |
10 | bye |
Exit program |